*Cookies may be manufactured on equipment or in a facility that processes potential allergens. Please check with the company prior to ordering for more detailed information*

It’s that time of year! Girl Scout Cookie season is in full swing in Chicago. These popular cookies have been sold for over 100 years since starting in 1917. It’s an exciting time for cookie lovers, but there has been some confusion this year about a few changes on the ingredient and advisory labels on some of the cookies. To help ease the confusion, we have put together a guide to determine which cookies are safe for each food allergies, and the new warning labels for each.

Manufacturer: Little Brownie Bakers
Contains: Wheat, Milk, Soy
Warning: May containg Peanuts, Tree Nuts

Manufacturer: ABC Bakers / Little Brownie Bakers
Contains: Wheat, Milk, Soy
Shortbread Warning: Manufactured on equipment that processes products containing peanuts

Do-si-dos/Peanut Butter Sandwiches
Manufacturer: ABC Bakers / Little Brownie Bakers
Contains: Peanuts, Wheat, Milk, Soy
Peanut Butter Sandwich Warning: May contain coconut

Caramel deLites/Samoas
Manufacturer: ABC Bakers / Little Brownie Bakers
Contains: Coconut, Wheat, Milk, Soy
Caramel deLites Warning: May contain peanuts

Peanut Butter Patties/Tagalongs
Manufacturer: ABC Bakers / Little Brownie Bakers
Contains: Peanuts, Wheat, Milk, Soy
Peanut Butter Patties Warning: May contain milk, coconut

Thin Mints
Manufacturer: ABC Bakers / Little Brownie Bakers
Contains: Wheat, Soy
Warning: May contain milk, peanuts, coconut

Girl Scout S’mores
Manufacturer: ABC Bakers / Little Brownie Bakers
Contains: Wheat, Milk, Soy
Warning: May contain peanuts, coconut

Manufacturer: Little Brownie Bakers
Contains: Milk, Soy
Warning: May contain peanuts, coconut

If you are unsure about any of you or your child’s food allergies, please give Premier Allergey, Asthma & Sinus Care a visit. We offer comprehensive, mostly needle-free food allergy testing at your first visit.
Sources: Girl Scouts, Little Brownie Bakers, ABC Bakery