Our friends at Kids with Food Allergies wrote an excellent post about how to help those affected by Hurricane Florence. Read it below or find it on their site by clicking here.
Hurricane Florence has made landfall and is having a devastating effect on the Carolinas and surrounding areas. And the impact will last for weeks, leaving many families with food allergies without access to safe food.
You can help get safe food to affected families. Below, we have listed Amazon Wish Lists that local groups have created for food banks in the evacuation areas that are currently accepting allergy-friendly food donations. We will update this information as things change.
Thank you for your help in this time of need for families with food allergies.
Allergy-Friendly Food Donations
Many evacuees and residents affected by Florence will need access to allergy-friendly food for days and weeks to come. You can help by sending donations through Amazon.
To ship allergy-friendly food donations from Amazon:
These Amazon Wish Lists have the items that are most needed. Select items you wish to donate and add them to your cart. When you checkout, choose the name of one of the food banks under “Choose a shipping address.” Your purchase will be shipped directly to where it is needed most. We thank the Food Allergy Families of the Triad for organizing this effort.
Emergency Information and Assistance
If you are in the affected area and need help, here are agencies you can call for assistance.
- For emergency assistance, call 911.
North Carolina
- United Way Association of North Carolina: For shelters, food assistance, community resources and storm recovery, call 211 or 888-892-1162. You can also text FLORENCE to 898-211.
South Carolina
- Salvation Army of Columbia, South Carolina: 704-522-4970
- South Carolina Emergency Management Division Emergency Hotline: 866-246-0133 or scemd.org
- United Way of South Carolina: For shelters, food assistance, community resources and storm recovery, call 211 or text FLORENCE to 898-211
National Resources
American Red Cross: 866-438-4636; Spanish: 800-257-7575
Your local Red Cross chapter provides emergency response services after disasters.
CrowdSource Rescue Website
Use this site to let others know you need help or are able to help rescue those trapped by Florence’s effects.
Disaster Survivors with Disabilities Hotline: 800-626-4959
The Disability Hotline provides referrals for disaster assistance with:
- Disaster-related problem-solving
- Evacuation strategies and issues
- Shelter accessibility issues
- Temporary housing strategies
- Assistive device, durable medical equipment and consumable medical supply referrals
Disaster Distress Helpline: 800-985-5990
This national hotline provides crisis support to people experiencing distress from a natural or man-made disaster. You can also text Talk With Us to 66746.