Seasonal Allergies Don’t Take the Winter Off

Seasonal Allergies Don’t Take the Winter Off

For many allergy sufferers in Chicago, allergies don’t come to an end in the fall months. Though certain allergens, like pollen, fill the atmosphere in the spring, plenty of allergens exist year-round, and if you’re sensitive to them, you may experience allergy...
Allergies and Thanksgiving

Allergies and Thanksgiving

It is that time of the year again when families and friends gather together for the highly anticipated Thanksgiving Day holiday.  Most people do not think about how Thanksgiving may affect one’s allergies, however, the holiday is full of potential triggers for many...
The Worst Pollen Season Ever?

The Worst Pollen Season Ever?

It’s deja vu all over again as you turn on the evening news and hear, “It’s the worst pollen season ever!” You think, “Haven’t I heard this before?” But what you really want to know is how the pollen season will affect your allergy symptoms, and what you can do to...
Polyester Allergy

Polyester Allergy

Our friends at MedicalNewsToday wrote a helpful article about managing your polyester allergies. Find the original article here: Manage Polyester Allergies Polyester is a synthetic fiber present in a lot of clothing and other fabrics. If you have an allergic reaction...
Battling Winter Allergies

Battling Winter Allergies

It’s February in Chicago – we’re buried under snow, the wind never stops, and now with the COIVID-19 pandemic we are spending even more time indoors out of the cold weather. Unfortunately, just because spring time and traditional allergy season seem...